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Семена кормовых трав в Антверпене

4 объявления
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Регион Антверпен
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1 950 €/т FCA
Семена люцерны неомагниченой, чистота 98%, всхожесть 99%, влажность 7,3%, Карантинные сорняки отсутствуют, 22 тонны
+1 объявление
11 апр 2018
Ryegrass (annual, multi-year)
1 €/price on request
Our company is ready to offer supplies of ryegrass (annual, multi-year) for fodder and technical purposes. Seeds can be with germination and without germination. The frequency is minimum 97%, we can refine the seeds to 99.5% purity. at the request of customers. We will be glad to
+11 объявлений
18 апр 2022
1 €/price on request
Our company is ready to offer supplies of fescue for fodder and technical purposes. Seeds can be with germination and without germination. The frequency is minimum 97%, we can refine the seeds to 99.5% purity. at the request of customers. We will be glad to cooperate.
+11 объявлений
18 апр 2022
Red clover
1 €/price on request
Our company is ready to offer supplies of red clover for fodder and technical purposes. Seeds can be with germination and without germination. The frequency is minimum 97%, we can refine the seeds to 99.5% purity. at the request of customers. We will be glad to cooperate. Katerina Pyrko (viber,
+11 объявлений
18 апр 2022
Найдены объявления в радиусе 50 км от Антверпена
Семена сильфии пронзенолистной
290 €/кг
Реализуем семена сильфии пронзенолистной. Полный пакет документов.
22 янв
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